Corporate Compliance & Ethics
We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in our work - with our patients, with our client hospitals, and with our own employees.
SpecialCare Hospital Management operates in a position of trust and integrity within our client hospitals. We pledge this adherence to our clients in the very contracts that govern our relationship. We also take steps to monitor and ensure compliance. Our clients therefore, trust SpecialCare and its employees to always provide services with the highest regard to ethics, laws, rules and regulations.
Our employees are vital in adhering to and having the highest regard of ethics, laws, rules and regulations in healthcare. If an employee has knowledge of potential inappropriate or illegal conduct, they are required to report it. Any violations are to be reported promptly, so that employee does not become an accessory to the conduct. Violations and the failure to report them are unacceptable and will not be tolerated at any level within our organization. If anyone outside of our organization has knowledge of potential inappropriate or illegal conduct, they are also encouraged to report it to our Compliance Officer by calling the compliance hotline listed here.
SpecialCare Hospital Management is committed to making certain that any reported potential wrongdoing is thoroughly investigated and properly reported. We are further committed to a policy of non-retaliation against any employee who reports suspected inappropriate, unethical or illegal conduct. All employees should feel free to discuss their concerns at any time with our Compliance Officer without fear of retaliation.
SpecialCare Compliance Hotline
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