New Vision at Holy Cross Health is featured on the front page of South Florida Hospital News.
“We know that excessive alcohol consumption can damage the liver, pancreas, heart and increase the risk of several types of cancer,” said Holy Cross Health President and CEO Mark Doyle. “Likewise illicit drugs can cause or worsen multiple health problems. Holy Cross Health has partnered with New Vision to help improve the overall health and well-being of our community by helping patients take the first steps to recovery.”
Mark Doyle, Holy Cross Health President and CEO
New Vision treats adults (18 & older) for addictions to prescription painkillers, heroin, alcohol, and certain other drugs. Our patients come from Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs, Boca Raton, as well as other surrounding communities in Broward County and beyond. New Vision at Holy Cross Health is a hospital-based inpatient service.
For more information on New Vision at Holy Cross Health, please visit our webpage, or call us at 954-866-0400.